Lesson Plan: Forest and Wild life Resources :JKBOSE Class 10th

Unit Forest and Wild life Resources


Total: 6 periods (approx. 40 min each)
Pre-requisite for the course Recalling and interaction through question based on their previous knowledge like
  1. Why do we call forest as lungs of India.
  2. What percentage of earth is covered with forest?
  3. what are endangered species?
  4. what is the difference between flora and fauna?


Assessment of qualifying knowledge
  1. Written test
  2. Oral test
  3. HW notebook and spiral
  4. Group discussion


Objective Understand the importance of forest resources as a resource as well as develop awareness towards its conservation.


Dimensions of Learning DOL 1, 2,3


KNOWLEDGEStudents will know and understand
  • Understand the importance of forest resources as a resource as well as develop awareness towards judicious use and its conservation.
  • Importance of Biodiversity
  • Classification of flora and fauna on the basis of IUCN.
  • Factors responsible for the depletion of forests.
  • Conservation done by community and government.



  • Students will critically think about forest resources as a resource and develop awareness towards its conservation to solve the problem of pollution and global warming .

  • Students will develop citizenship through by using forest resources in judicious manner and saving for future generation, it also develop awareness towards its conservation by the help of awareness and wild life protection Act.
  • Students would be able to enhance their creativity
    by creating mind map for entire chapter.

•     Students would be able to enhance their communication skills by suggesting some measures to conserve forest n with 95% accuracy .




(The teacher can

use the mentioned techniques, wherever applicable, and can use any other too.)

Transaction would proceed in the following manner-

Brain Storming-The class would start with a discussion on what the students have already learnt in the previous classes and hence what is it that they would learn now. They would also be told the significance of the topic that they would be studying.

Introduction of the topic– Digital Content would be shared

Active Learning and group learning-

Pass word : facilitator gives a definition of a word or a concept and students guess the word. Students will be divided into teams . one team member describes the things on his list for team mates before the time runs out . (Critical thinking, Communication)

Numbered heads together : Students work in groups to discuss the material or the answer to the question. Each group has a number and each participant in each group has a number. After the groups discuss, the facilitator draws a group number and a participant number to respond to the question. This ensures that everyone in the group is paying attention and that group prepares everyone to answer the question. (Critical thinking, Communication)

Group Learning

  • Topic- classification of forests and negative factors which are responsible for depletion of forests and conservation methods .

(Competencies: Critical thinking and problem solving)

Students will be divided into 6 groups (6 x 5). Each group will study the topic given to them.Analysis will be done by groups, followed by cross questioning.

  • Topic– negative factors responsible for the depletion of forests

(Competencies: Critical thinking and citizenship)

Students will critically analyses the factors responsible for the depletion of forests and how to overcome this problem .

  • Topic- what other people are doing to conserve forests and what we can do to conserve.

(Competencies: Citizenship, Critical thinking)

Students will get aware through discussion about the importance of forests for

  us Hence, students will analyse their own whys to conserve forests.


Class will be divided into three parts – Average, Weak and gifted students. Three types of worksheet will be made for three categories:

Gifted students They will be innovating some good practices, by which we can conserve forest.
Average students These students will sit in group of three and do some research work related to importance and conservation methods.
Weak students These children will plant some trees near their house write what benefit we get by these tress.

•     Topic -Revision of chapter Students would be able to enhance their creativity
by creating mind map for entire chapter using topics and subtopics for each.

Questioning- Multiple questions to cater the needs of various students.

Guided practice followed by Independent Practice- NCERT questions to be discussed in the classroom.

Techniques to be used:


Daily Practice Problem


Peer Assessment

Case Studies

Map work

Any Other

Web charts


Resources Text Book:

NCERT text book for Geography


Self Study,

Home Work,


Independent Practice: Students would do the questions in their H.W notebooks

HW notebooks to be marked as per the given plan:

Assessment Parameters: The total marks for the activity is 5 marks

On time submission………………………………1mark

Presentation/ Neatness……………………………1 mark

Content……….……………………………………3 marks


  It is also advised that the students come to the class with proper background knowledge of the topic under discussion. They can refer to the resources stated above.


Assessments 3 UNIT TESTS (20+25+35) Marks




  • Note Book Submission 5 Marks
  • Enrichment Activity 5 Marks



Due to various social backgrounds and multiple intelligences, the classroom might be a diverse arena. The following techniques can be used for various groups:

For gifted students:

  • High order questions to be done
  • Encouragement for referring other resources

For weak students:

  • Basic question to be completed
  • Buddy help to be provided
  • Provide grade-up classes

For differently abled students:

  • Call parents at regular intervals
  • Provide grade-up classes
Marks The weightage would be given by CBSE.
Assessment questions. 1.Why are negative factors responsible for the depletion of forests?
  2.Describe five conservation methods taken by community to conserve forests.

3.Explain with the help of examples. How nature worship helps in conservation of specific species of plants and animals.

  4.what are the three different categories of forest
  5.Why is there an urgent need to conserve biodiversity Mention three reasons.


Objective Understand the importance of forest resources as well as develop awareness towards its conservation
Assessment of qualifying knowledge Basic Questions related to forests

.1Why do we call forest as lungs of India.

  1. What percentage of earth is covered with forest?
  2. what are endangered species?
  3. what is the difference between flora and fauna?
Learning Outcomes     •     KNOWLEDGEStudents will know

The importance of forest resources as a resource as well as develop awareness towards its conservation.

Students would be able to analyse the importance of forest and biodiversity in collaboration with each other.

Transaction Methodology (The teacher can use the mentioned techniques, wherever applicable, and can use any other too.)
Topic : Introduction to the water as a resource

Transaction would proceed in the following manner-

Anticipatory Set: 10 min
Facilitator will ask few questions to introduce the topic-


  • Why do we require forests?
  • How forest is a renewable resource.
  • Wipro Technique: Brain stroming, web chart, (KWL- What you Know, What you will Learn, What you have learned), Group work by presentation.

Activity : Introduction of forest resource with the help of interactions with student through Brain storming’ and by asking questions based on their previous knowledge and formation of groups and assigning their topics. So that discussion of the topics (group wise) will take place. Class will be divided into FIVE groups .Group 1 – classification of flora and fauna

Group 2 negative factors responsible for the depletion of forests and wildlife.

Group 3 Types of forests

  Group 4 conservation methods by government

Group 5 conservation methods by community

Students will sit together and in Collaboration they will discuss the topic given to them

Guided Practice- NCERT questions

  • Closure- Summarisation by students with the help of mind map on their own.
  • Independent Practice-preparation of group presentation

Closure: 5 min
A short oral test would be taken to check proper assimilation of the topic discussed.


Resources Text Book:

NCERT text book for Geography

Self Study, Home Work,


Independent Practice: Students would do the given questions in their H.W. notebook.
Assessments Oral Test (5 minutes)
Objective To evaluate the negative factors responsible for forest and wildlife
and classification of forests
with 95% accuracy


Assessment of qualifying knowledge

Questions from previous class about importance of biodiversity from the whole class group.

Learning Outcomes KNOWLEDGEStudents will know about factors responsible for depletion of forests

Students would be able to critically

evaluate the factors responsible for depletion of forests resources
with 90% accuracy. in collaboration with each other.

Transaction Methodology (The teacher can use the mentioned techniques, wherever applicable, and can use any other too.)

Transaction would proceed in the following manner- Activity- Activity-

Class presentation by Teacher

  • Discussion of classification and factors responsible for the depletion of forests by group no -1 and 2 compilation will be done teacher.

After discussion

All the students will write negative factors for depletion of forests in their notebooks on their own.

The following questions will be asked to check their understanding:

  • List the various factors responsible for depletion of forests
  • How industries and large scale development are responsible for depletion of forest resources.
  Topic- Factors responsible for depletion of forests

(Competencies: Critical thinking , collaboration )

Students will be critically analyses in groups how industries , intensive agriculture , increase in population causes forest depletion . Analysis will be done by groups, followed by cross questioning.

    •     Independent Practice: Students will go through NCERT text book
Closure: 5 min
Closure- Summarization by students with the help of muddiest point. A short oral test would be taken to check proper assimilation of the topic discussed.


Resources Text Book:

NCERT text book for Geography


Self Study, Home Work, Assignments Independent Practice: Students would do the given questions in their H.W. notebook


Assessments Oral Test (5 minutes)
Objective Objective To create community and government methods to conserve forest .

with 95% accuracy. To develop awareness towards its conservation


Assessment of qualifying knowledge Recapitulation of the previous day
Learning Outcomes     •     KNOWLEDGEStudents will know about how we can conserve forests

Students would be able to crically

Analyse how conservation of forests can take place in collaboration with each other.

Transaction Methodology (The teacher can use the mentioned techniques, wherever applicable, and can use any other too.)
Transaction would proceed in the following manner-

Activity Group presentation by Group 4 and Group 5 that is conservation methods by government and community. Compilation will be done teacher

Guided Practice

After discussion

•     All the students will write about how different communities are conserving forest in their own locality.

Topic : conservation


(Competencies: Citizenship , collabration)

  Students will work in pair and discuss about how we can conserve forests

Independent Practice: Students will go through NCERT text book.

Closure: 5 min

    •     Closure- Summarization by students with the help of mind map


Resources Text Book:

NCERT text book for geography


Self Study, Home Work, Assignments Independent Practice: Students would do the given questions in their H.W. notebook


Assessments Oral Test (5 minutes)
DAY Four
Objective To understand different types of forests 90% accuracy


Assessment of qualifying knowledge Questions from previous class from whole class group.
Learning Outcomes     •     KNOWLEDGEStudents will know about types of forest 90% accuracy

Students would be able to critically compare the three types of forests in collaboration with each other.

Transaction Methodology (The teacher can use the mentioned techniques, wherever applicable, and can use any other too.)
Transaction would proceed in the following manner-

Activity- Group presentation by

Discussion of types of forest by group no -3 and compilation will be done teacher.


The following map questions will be asked to check their understanding:

Map activity : students will locate important national parks on political map of India


  • Topic—Types of forests

(Competencies: Citizenship, Critical thinking)

Students will get aware through discussion about the classification of forests into three parts and their importance.

Independent Practice: Students will go through NCERT text book.

After discussion

  • All the students will write importance of three different types of forests

Closure: 5 min

  • Closure- Summarization by students with the help of flow chart


Resources Text Book:

NCERT text book for Geography


Self Study, Home Work, Assignments Independent Practice: Students would do the given questions in their H.W. notebook


Assessments Oral Test (5 minutes)
DAY Five

Understand the importance of forest resources and to develop awareness towards its conservation.


Assessment of qualifying knowledge Questions from previous class .
Learning Outcomes

•     KNOWLEDGEStudents will know solve the NCERT question in their note book

Students would be able to solve and creatively write the solution of NCERT questions in collaboration with each other.

Transaction Methodology (The teacher can use the mentioned techniques, wherever applicable, and can use any other too.)
Transaction would proceed in the following manner-

Independent Practice: Students will go through NCERT text book. And complete NCERT questions

Closure: 5 min

Summarization by students


Resources Text Book:

NCERT text book for geography


Self Study, Home Work,


Independent Practice: Students would do the given questions in their H.W. notebook


Assessments Oral Test (5 minutes)

Day 6

Class Test and doubt clarification class.